Now showing items 12-31 of 35

    • Making sense of genre and style in the age of transcultural reproduction 

      Johansson, Mats (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Through a discussion of the theoretical and empirical foundations of the concepts of style and genre, this article draws attention to the conceptual dilemmas that emerge when established regimes of musical ownership and ...
    • Measuring Rhythm: A Context-Sensitive Approach 

      Johansson, Mats (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      In this article I present some considerations on the measuring of musical rhythm with earlier research on rhythm and timing in Scandinavian traditional fiddle music as a point of reference (Ahlbäck, 1995; Bengtsson. 1974; ...
    • Mælefjøllvisa - toner i bevegelse : om intonasjon i vokal folkemusikk 

      Omholt, Per Åsmund (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      The article is based on a case study, where a recording from 1937 with the traditional performer Aslak Brekke from Vinje, Telemark (1901-1978), has been the subject of technical measurement and analysis. The study points ...
    • Møter gjennom folkemusikk; fellesskap og særtrekk: Om Nordtrad og det årlige treffet for folkemusikkutdanninger i Norden og Baltikum 

      Knudsen, Ragnhild Rose (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The Nordtrad network was established in 1999 and has since 2000 arranged an annual gathering for students and teachers from the higher educations of folk/traditional music in the Nordic and Baltic countries. This article ...
    • Negotiating traditional music in educational spaces: An ethnographic case study of the Norwegian Academy of Music. 

      Eriksson, Karin (Chapter, 2023)
      This article engages with issues of musical belongings in institutional spaces in higher music education. It makes an ethnographic case study of the Norwegian Academy of Music and explores how traditional music was established ...
    • Nordisk folkmusik som stilkoncept 

      Johansson, Mats (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      This article deals with the increasing internationalization and professionalization of Nordic folk music, and raises empirical and conceptual questions concerning style and geographical origin. By examining ongoing trends ...
    • Om det fysiske utgangspunktet for intonasjon på fele 

      Omholt, Per Åsmund (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Artikkelen fokuserer på relasjonen mellom spilleteknikk på fele og hardingfele i folkemusikken og intonasjon. Det argumenteres for at det fysiske rammeverket, inkludert anatomien i hånd og fingre, påvirker intonasjonspraksisen. ...
    • Om kadensformlene i springar og pols 

      Omholt, Per Åsmund (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      This article focuses on the variety concerning the “cadenza formula” in the springar- and pols-types in the older Norwegian fiddle-music repertoire. For scholars, in transcribing the variety of local types of springar- ...
    • På jakt etter folkemusikkskalaen : et overblikk 

      Omholt, Per Åsmund (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      In theories dealing with tonality in Norwegian and Scandinavian folk music, there has been a special focus on the assumed “old-agey” non-diatonic intervals, also referred to as floating or neutral intervals or blue notes. ...
    • Regional og typologisk variasjon i norsk slåttemusikk : en kvantitativ tilnærming med et historisk perspektiv 

      Omholt, Per Åsmund (Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2009-06-16)
      The purpose of the dissertation is to shed light on regional and typological variations in Norwegian old-time fiddling in a historical perspective. I have analyzed 500 transcriptions of traditional tunes from different ...
    • Rhythm into style : studying assymmetrical grooves in Norwegian folk music 

      Johansson, Mats (Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2010-05-06)
      This thesis is a study of rhythm and timing in Norwegian traditional dance tunes called pols or springar in asymmetrical triple meter performed on the fiddle and Hardanger fiddle. This music is characterized by the following ...
    • Rikard Berge – dokumentasjon av folkemusikk gjennom fonograf og fotografi 

      Authen, Cecilie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      This article explores the documentation of Norwegian traditional music, to be found in the Norwegian folklorist Richard Berge’s (1881 –1969) phonograph and photography archives. The article discusses how Berge proceeded ...
    • Rytmen i kryllingspringar 

      Omholt, Per Åsmund (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      This article is based on a research project at Telemark University College, where I have aimed to record the entire material of fiddle tunes that Truls Ørpen (1880–1958) wrote down from his own local community Krøds - ...
    • Segmentation, Transcription, Analysis and Visualisation of the Norwegian Folk Music Archive 

      Lartillot, Olivier; Elovsson, Anders; Johansson, Mats Sigvard; Thedens, Hans-Hinrich (Chapter, 2022)
      We present an ongoing project dedicated to the transmutation of a collection of field recordings of Norwegian folk music established in the 1960s into an easily accessible online catalogue augmented with advanced music ...
    • Sounds familiar(?): Expertise with specific musical genres modulates timing perception and micro-level synchronization to auditory stimuli 

      Danielsen, Anne; Nymoen, Kristian; Langerød, Martin Torvik; Jacobsen, Eirik; Johansson, Mats; London, Justin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Musical expertise improves the precision of timing perception and performance – but is this expertise generic, or is it tied to the specific style(s) and genre(s) of one’s musical training? We asked expert musicians from ...
    • "Svevende intervaller" - og svevende begrep 

      Kvifte, Tellef (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      The article discusses the term “svevende tonalitet” (“floating tonality”) that is frequently used in descriptions of Norwegian traditional music. The term refers to variations in intonation patterns, but is used in ...
    • Tankar om autentisitet og kjeldebruk i den vokale folkemusikken 

      Furholt, Ragnhild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      This article refers and discusses two questions given to some young folksingers and song students: 1) What does it mean to you to sing authentic? 2) What is a good source for your singing? The article discusses the criteria, ...
    • Teknologien og tradisjonen - Noter og opptak, nok en gang 

      Kvifte, Tellef (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      The paper discusses the use and effects on traditional music by the introduction of the technologies of music notation and music recording. Both of these technologies imply fixation and, therefore, also the possibility ...
    • Tradisjonsområder : konstruksjon eller realitet? 

      Omholt, Per Åsmund (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)
    • Traditions, archives and change 

      Kvifte, Tellef (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      In the Nordic countries, there are several archives containing documentation of traditional music and dance. The ways in which the material in the archives are produced, distributed and used, may influence the very tradition ...